IML Micro Hammer

The IML Micro Hammer measures the time it takes an impulse to travel through the tree. Due to the characteristic sound velocity of each tree species, the measurement values clearly display the interior conditions of a tree.

The sensor of the new Micro Hammer is small and highly sensitive. The new attachment system is based on a magnetic fixture with special screws that minimizes the damages caused to the tree. The functions are clearly and user-friendly arranged. The electronic unit detects and saves the measurement results displayed on the OLED display. The integrated Bluetooth module ensures wireless downloads of the measuring data to your PC or laptop. The measurement components are weatherproof and water resistant and can be used in any weather condition.

The IML Micro Hammer localizes:

  • Decay in the early stages of growth
  • Brown and white decay
  • Cavities, wet cores
  • Cracks in forc areas
SKU: 41002004, 41002005 Categories: ,

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