Playground Inspection

Safety, stability and regular inspections

How secure is the playground equipment?

Playground Equipment Inspection with the IML-RESI PowerDrill ®

The decay diagnostics for playground equipment detects defect and decayed components that may cause accidents. Therefore it is regulated by law that swings, seesaws and jungle gyms have to be controlled regularly.

Safety, stability and regular inspections

Over the last years, playground inspection has become more and more important. Defects and decay of playground equipment that cannot be seen from the outside of the impregnated wood provoke unexpected accidents. The stability is no longer granted and kids run the risk of getting injured while playing.

Decay diagnostics on wooden playground equipment

It is essential to regularly inspect wooden playground equipment for decay and interior damages. According to the specific security conventions, the property owner is responsible for the regular inspection of the stability of playground equipment. High requirements for construction wood and usability for playground equipment are supposed to help to achieve a high security level.


The IML-RESI’s are special instruments to make ‘visible’ interior damages and provide detailed information about wooden poles. That way it is possible to take specific countermeasures in time accidents because of insecure wooden poles can be avoided.

Often, the denudation of the upper soil layers requires big efforts. Therefore, measurements on the soil level are made with a 45° adapter that replaces the excavation around the pole. It’s just this critical zone around the ground line that can provoke failures. The poles are always in contact with wet ground (sand, bark mulch) and therefore they constitute a special danger.

With the attachable 45° adapter it’s possible to examine the critical transition zones of the wooden poles, e. g. the soil level and the screw joints between metal and wooden parts without problems. You can measure directly on the soil level and evaluate the measurement instantly.

High express gardens and climbing forests are becoming increasingly popular. They are built in forested tree populations or in parcs and commonly act as recreational facilities. Of course, the control of the traffic security results more difficult in this high express gardens in forests because the trees are living and growing and not dead like the wood of playground equipment. Our test and measurement instruments are suitable for detailed analyses in both domains.

In this fields our innovative wood testing systems will assist you:

  • IML-RESI Systeme
    (Drilling resistance measurement)
    Accurate identification of defects and measurement of the thickness of the residual wall

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