Pole testing – How stable is the wooden pole?

Just know what you can’t see

How stable is the wooden pole?

As only faultless poles comply with the high security requirements timber poles must be examined regularly for stability.

The problem:

Often, possible defects are located in the interior of the poles and can’t be identified from the outside. About 90% of all the timber pole defects or damages are located below the soil level and it’s necessary to carry out complex investigations or excavations to detect them.

For which kind of timber poles ist the wood testing system qualified for?

  • For telegraph pole inspection
  • For power pole inspection / testing of electric poles
  • For lighting pole inspection
  • Any kind of wood / timber inspection for poles
  • Another application is construction wood testing (Solid structural timber)

Timber/ wood testing system “IML-RESI PowerDrill”

With the IML-RESI you can drill in every height of the pole, from the soil level to the top end of the pole. It takes you less than a minute including the measurement profile printout.

In Germany and all over the world the IML-RESI System has been used for years to inspect utility poles.

The attachable 45° adapter enables you to examine the critical area where the wooden pole enters the soil without problems. The excavation around the pole becomes redundant and you can save precious time. You can make the measurements directly on the soil level and evaluate them instantly.

The IML-RESI System helps you:

  • Detect and secure damaged wooden parts even in early stages of deterioration
  • Detect root in various stages
  • Detect cracks and cavities
  • Take the required measures early enough to prevent damages (thanks to the detailed evaluations)
  • Document quality differences between wooden beams

Economic advantages:

  • Profitability because of little work with high efficiency
  • Time saving because on fast measurements
  • Optimized employment of stuff
  • Cost saving less exchange work and little raw material
  • Prevention of unnecessary wood damages: the sawdust remains in the bore hole and closes it after measurement

In this fields our innovative wood testing systems will assist you:

  • IML-RESI Systeme
    (Drilling resistance measurement) Accurate identification of defects and measurement of the thickness of the residual wall

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