Construction Wood Inspection

Stable inside, makes the outside safe

How sturdy is the wooden construction?

The examination of construction timber in timber, bridge and pile dwellings reveals weaknesses and safety risks.

We evaluate the inside of construction wood

Controls of construction wood in timbered houses, bridges and pile dwellings detect weak points and safety risks. Therefore, regular inspections are essential.

The problem:

Most of the defects or damages are located inside of wooden components and it’s necessary to carry out expensive investigations to detect and identify them.

Because of the current development in the field of timber engineering the exact evaluation of the stability of buildings becomes more and more important. Depending on the operational demands on wooden constructions, one has to distinguish between static strength, impact strength, endurance strength, dynamic strength, hardness and resistance to wear.

Therefore, we have developed instruments that examine the interior life of wooden constructions in detail. Our test and measurement systems will provide you reliable and extensive information about the actual condition of the examined timber component in a quick way. Thus they contribute significantly to the general security.

Little effort – great help

With the almost non-destructive drilling resistance measurement method (IML-RESI System) it’s possible to evaluate the constructional conditions of half-timbered houses, historical and/or listed buildings and wooden constructions. That way, damaged and decayed parts can be detected and exchanged in time. The IML-RESI enables you to make drilling in different heights as well as with different drilling direction.

Only little measurement effort is required to obtain significant information about material properties, structures, interior defects and the thickness of residual walls of wooden beams. In addition to this, it’s possible to determine the stability and residual bearing capacity of load-bearing beams.

Inspection of bridges & pile dwellings in harbours Security risks

A tree over a gorge or a river is the oldest way to build a bridge-thus, wood is the favourite construction material for bridges and therefore bridges or pile dwellings in harbours are mostly built with wood. Because of their bearing capacity that is formidable compared to their little weight, wooden constructions make it possible to bridge very large spans and to achieve enormous heights. In order to grant the security, today it has become imperative to check their residual bearing capacity.

In this fields our innovative wood testing systems will assist you:

  • IML-RESI Systeme
    (Drilling resistance measurement)
    Accurate identification of defects and measurement of the thickness of the residual wall

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